Welcome to the spudders photo page
Here you will find fellow spudders that have sent me pictures and brief explanation about their toys. Their email address will be included so you can ask them questions, give ideas or discuss your interests. To view larger pictures, click on the small one.
If you wish to join the Elite group of Crazy Spudders send me a picture. If you don't have a spudgun but want to get into the action click here SPUDGUN PRODUCTS for my product and order form. We will ship you one right to your door step, Oh yeah, SHIPPING IS FREE!
I have been into potato cannons for quite some time as I am now retired. My
Spudzooka is a take down module with 3 barrels, one for potato's, one for D cell
batteries and a bigger barrel for bigger items. I use either hair spray or right
guard as the propellant. I use a 100,000V stun gun as the igniter. I can be
reached at mrfixer4u@yahoo.com
I used a 1/2 inch valve for my loading of hair
spray. Pull the lever down, spray, push lever up, Pow, how neat ! I'm
69 years old and just love it. First time out I almost shot the neighbors
garage window out three lots away. I also installed the ignigter in a
screw out plug. that also works great. Dick in Appleton, Wi. Dick
can be reached at mailto:Dick Girard <rgirard@new.rr.com>
been a “Spudgunner’ for more years than I want to admit…(age 66) Yet with
all the Cannons/guns/pistols I have ever made. Attached is a few Pics of Pistols
I’ve made..
Here is my creation from back when I was in college. Soon after I went into the Marines and got to fire the AT4 rocket launcher. I love this website. The pics are great. I want to start a new project now!
Brandon Veedell. Brian can be reached at: mailto:bveedell@yahoo.com
Hi, My name is Nathan Lovern. I had my potato gun day again this year. I had no Barney toys to shoot this time but I did have some cardboard Giants and a 6
barrel gun and my pumpkin chunker. I included some pics and hope you can put them on your
wed site. Nathan can be reached at: mailto:mlovern@naxs.net
Hey this is Kory Melko (16 yrs) from Binbrook Ontario, Canada. I recently read your webpage after
I made my first spud gun. Thought you might like this. I painted the adapter and the tip of the barrel white and pinstriped it myself. has a 3 ft chamber and a 6 ft barrel. cost 65$ Canadian...and it kicks like a mule. goes about 450 ft- really gives
er. Kory can be reached at: mailto:bculp@mountaincable.net
Hi! I´m Matej from Slovakia. I think that your page is great! This is photo of me and my simple,
Butane fuelled spudgun, constructed of pvc water pipes. P.S. Sorry my English is not very
Matej can be reached at: mailto:sekino@centrum.sk
1 gun is 3'' chamber 2'' barrel and the other is 4 '' chamber and 2'' barrel and
I use lantern lighters
thanks Dave. Dave can be reached at: mailto:irishblooded@comcast.net
Hi, Could you put my spud gun on your Website my name is billy from Blandford forum
UK with my 8Ltr Combustion chamber built from an old stainless commercial water softener and 30 mm barrel fired with a car coil and two champion spark plugs welded in the side.
You can reach Billy at mailto:m3wvh@hotmail.com
Sending you a picture of me and my guns. They are made of ABS because there is no PVC
here in Norway. The small one has 32 mm barrel, and the big one has 50 mm barrel.
They shoot potatoes about ca 200 meters. I use Axe and starter gas as propellant.
I have sold some, but potato cannons are not so popular here in Norway. I like them very much. And I use them almost every day.
In the winter it is problem with the ignition of the gas, so I have stopped using them in the winter time. But the rest of the year it is spud gunning every day. :-).
Rune Kobbel. To contact Rune email to: mailto:rkobbel@smartcall.no
I am a mechanical engineering student from Munich (Germany). Here is a picture
of my simple spudgun. To contact Bernhard email to: mailto:wagnerb@fsmb.mw.tum.de
My name is Kyle and my friends name is Chris. This idea first came to us after we saw a historic cannon on TV. From then on we began planning the biggest gun we've made. This gun will shoot over 400 yards and is to big to hold hence the wheels. It consists of a 6 inch chamber that is about 2 feet long, from there it is broken down to a 4 inch chamber then to a 3 inch barrel that is about 5 feet long. The ignition system is a BBQ igniter that is extended away from the chamber for safety reasons. At the end of the
barrel it is magnaported to reduce sound and kickback. But don't let this fool
you, it's louder than a shotgun!!! It is truly a work of art.To contact Kyle
email to: mailto:kyle560@hotmail.com
This spudgun was built by Shaun from Australia he is 16 and this is the third spud gun
he has made. He shot a ball bearing into his foot by accident with it and it left an instant bruise for about a
week. Shaun can be contacted at manted01@hotmail.com
This spudgun has a stock that I made from an old crutch so you could look down the barrel.
I've put on the crutch a flat peace of PVC so that in the future I can put some stickers on or put some advertising on.
for more info you can contact owner at SPUDGUNNER018@aol.com
This is my kick but spud gun, uses arid and can completely decimate a plastic mailbox in a split second. I used
PVC and a BBQ lighter, and rear fuel loading. Cool muzzle loading action and stylish handgrip (a medicine bottle and some duct tape). I love this
thing. You can contact him at, Heinekenboy09@aol.com
My spud gun is completely home-made. it uses a 15" X 4" SCH40 PVC combustion chamber with 4" female adapter w/ screw cap, it has a 4" X 2" reducer with 4"
of 2" pvc and then a 2" female adapter. this allows for multiple barrels on one combustion chamber.
I use a BBQ igniter on the handle wired to 2 machine screws inside the chamber with a 1/4 inch gap, it arcs very nicely. I
use propane for fuel. I do not use a metering system even though it is much more
precise metering. You can contact Wyatt Koch <sprokus1@yahoo.com
My name is Kalle Suurenmoinen and I live in Finland. The gun is mounted on a broken small rifle, has electric ignition system, laser pointer and
electric fan system to refresh the combustion chamber with fresh
air, everything works with three buttons in trigger. Barrel is removable and can be locked tightly and unlocked to reload from the front.
To contact Kalle at: Kallroskapostiaa@luukku.com
My husband heard about spud guns at work and decided to try and make one. His first creation went together quickly and used Right Guard. Attached is a picture of
his latest creation held by our son Kurt. Needless to say, when he’s playing with it every kid in the neighborhood comes running with their Mom’s potatoes…….
To contact for more details you can email to:
Chris Meier cmeier@suncommunityfcu.org
One of my customers having what looks like a great
time in the Nevada desert. I love the new
advertising for my Weapons of Mashed Destruction.
To contact Mike for more details you can contact
him at: Mike@Computers-Ink.com
A friend and I have recently built our first DPSL
(deodorant propelled spud launcher) and we would just like to share
with you our pride and joy. We stay in South Africa where we
do things a little different because Africa is not a place
for Wieners. This DPSL shoots candle wax molded bullets up
to 1200 feet at the right angle using deodorant as fuel.
For more info contact, Johan Labuschagne at,
Well my name is Kenny, and the gun pictured below is
"Big Bertha" has a 4" chamber and 2"
barrel. Runs on 7 second injections of "Mapp gas" (in the picture) and launches rocks and whatever else will fit in the
barrel. For more details you can contact, Ken
Blan at ima_krazy_freak@yahoo.com
This is the newest edition to our spudgun collection. We use it for a
paintball Shotgun. Its air powered (we use a bicycle pump), and a
sprinkler valve. For more details email me at,
Kevin Johnson, cooldudekevin67@hotmail.com
My name is Kyle and I live in Michigan. I first heard about spud guns by word of mouth, so
I decided to create my own. Since then I have created a couple of spudguns, but this one is my favorite. The "terminator" is not the most powerful gun on the market
but is by far the most creative in my opinion.
Kyle can be reached at: kyle560@hotmail.com
Nathan Lovern in VA., sent us these pictures of
his justification of a annoyning Barney toy. he
writes, I had me Potato gun day this year. It got rained out last year. It was just me
and my friend Ken and his boys. If you wish to
contact Nathan mlovern@naxs.net
This is Ryne's pneumatic spudgun. It has a 1.5 inch barrel
that is 4 feet long and a chamber that is 3 inches in diameter and 2 feet in length.
Firing pressure varies from 50 to 150psi. At 120 psi,
it will shoot through 3/4 inch plywood and a range of 600 yards. Email me at
MotoXRyne@aol.com for any questions"
Nathan Lovern in Virginia, Shows his biggest one made yet. It has a
6" chamber that is 5' long and I have a
6" to 4" reducer at the end for a
4" x 4' barrel and I have a 6" barrel that is
4' long. Shoots cantaloupes, small pumpkins and pineapples.
For more info you can contact him at mlovern@naxs.net
Spud gunning from down under. While we were
freezing in the USA, Hamish, from New Zealand were
camping and having fun. For contact email
to: jaschollum@hotmail.com
Cute little girl holding a BIG spudgun. It uses a 4 inch x 24 inch firing chamber, with a 2 inch x 72 inch barrel.
Her daddy shoots golf balls out of sight with this
one. For info contact: dlnorris@ev1.net
Dont have much info on this cannon.
Looks like a fuel type but the projectiles (I think) look deadly. For more info contact
Greg at: wmiller1@bigpond.net.au
Hey, my name is chris. I'm from
Vermont and have a rather large arsenal of potato guns. This is photo of me and my Mammoth
MkII. Suprisingly, it was my second potato gun and yet it is so advanced. To contact Chris
you can reach him at: grifelkin@hotmail.com
Clint Law, from Springfield, Illinois and his PHEW 2K3
(Potato High-Energy Weapon 2003). It features a 4x24 combustion chamber, a
2x32 barrel, dual-spark BBQ ignition system, a laser sight, and two handles for ease
of use. You can contact Clint at: clintlaw@insightbb.com
Nathan Lovern, sends us a pic the
big one which has a 4 ft 6in chamber and a 4in 6 ft long barrell and a 6 barrell tater
gun. My brother from Buffalo holding my BIG tater gun. He shot a grapefruit from it. I put
in 90 seconds of hairspray in it. It knocked him back 3 feet. He said he never shot
anything with a kick like that even 6 years in the Navy. Nathan can be reached at:
Jim, has sent us a picture of his 4th
generation Hi-Tech spudgun. Version 4 as seen in the attachments has gotten a bit more
serious. Removable barrels (currently one for pop cans/whole fruit and another for golf
balls/spuds), propane fueled, dual chamber, remote controlled stun-gun sparker starter,
with integrated stand. Its WAY overbuilt, but its fun =) Jim can be reached at: file13(at)pipeline.com
Michael Gardner, just built his
first spudgun. It's made from ABS using a 4"x24" gas chamber and
2"x48" barrel. In the photo is Mike and his buddy Scotch, and his
"tactical" spudgun. You can reach him at, Mike6000rpm@cs.com
Tennis ball launcher and his home made spudgun in the
background, for further info contact:
Another home made gun, picture a little blury but nice
ABS. For more info contact : "Kevin Johnson" cooldudekevin67@hotmail.com
Hey its the Spudrock JR. Here is a great shot of the
Spudrock's little boy holding his daddys grease gun spudgun. For further info contact:
Home made gun 6" chamber with a 4 ft,
3" barrel. For more info contact: "Maggie & Nathan Lovern" http://www.mlovern@naxs.net
This is "Gillian's TP Mortar" it's got a four inch diameter barrel
with piston power so you can shoot whatever
you can fit in the tube. It's got a battery powed ignition system so you can
stay 50 ft away cause it likes to bust pipe. For further info you can contact
gamiller http://www.angelfire.com/80s/sixmhz
Here are 2 young kids with some very good imagination. Looks like they
have taken some PVC and with the help from Duct tape and and enthusiasm they have made a
spudgun. I wonder how it works? You can email them at, tmn3@charter.net
Nice gun with a nice added handle for holding and
trigger button. You can see more of these by going to his website http://www.geocities.com/unrealkrusty
This is
a propane fueled tennis ball shooter made by Rudy. The barrel is made of metal and the
propane tank is screwed into the bottom. He has offered his plans to Spudgun.com and I
will post them when I receive them. You can contact Rudy at, rb3089@aol.com
guys who built this spudgun they call the "Spudweiser". You can go to their
webpage at, http://www.spud.jobokma.com. There
site is slow loading so be patient.
Hugh Mommsen from Rice Lake, WI. Uses his home made
pumpkin shooter to launch 7 lb pumpkins over 1000 ft.
Well I've completed the Big One. It KICKS like a
mule!!!!!! It knocked me back about a foot. I used about 15 seconds of WhiteRain hairspray
and shot a plastic bottle full of powered koolaid. It went about 300 yards and hit a tree
and exploded!!!!! It was awsone!!!!!! I've got to come up with some cheap ammo. Its got a
4 in barrell about 4 foot long. It has a 15 in piece of 6 in pipe. Two 6 in couplings, a 6
in cleanout cap, and a 6 to 4 in reducer.
Nathan Lovern "Maggie & Nathan Lovern" <mlovern@naxs.net>
Kolton Casper and his sister enjoy spudgunning in the
open areas of Utah. You can reach him at the following website, http://www.fortunecity.com/skyscraper/proxy/1549/id19.htm
Here's a picture of our heavy duty cannon, firing at
night. Made from welded steel and using a good old BBQ gas lighter and a little hairspray.
Used to terrorise the locals and cause a ruckas. From Naughty Pat and the Pixiboy Pobble
UK residents. funky@tocotoucan.freeserve.co.uk
Here is a recent buyer using one of my guns with a 4
ft. rifled barrel. He loves shooting over the lake and see just how far each shot will go.
He claims that this is better than sex. He's from Minnesota, guess that say's something.
His email address held upon his request.
Check out this mobile spud shoot'n 4x4 Tank. Taking
spudguns where no one has gone before. You can contact this fellow spudder at, "AJ
Wells" <oo0y2k0oo@hotmail.com>. Man I thought I had seen everything. Hey, do
you think this thing could be used for paint ball???
Here are some fellow spudder from Canada. They have
there own web site that includes other things besides spudguns (Like beer) They can be
reached at mcarthur@globalserve.net, web site http://webhome.globalserve.net/mcarthur/
William Sites sends his picture of his
spudgun. He has a 3" chamber and a 1.5" barrel. You can contact him at wksites@fidnet.com .
Dave Malis, shooting toilet paper soaked in Coleman
lantern fuel. I bet this would of been a great night shot. email Dave at: EHDproductions@worldnet.att.net
Here is Dave Malis shooting his TP launcher
from is designed spudgun. Great flame action, didn't tell me what he was shooting and what
fuel he used but you can email him at:" EHDproductions@worldnet.att.net
Tim Dillion and his proud creation. Keep smiling and
spudding. Timothy Dillon, boatfull@epix.net
The Spudzooka air cannon. Operates on 100 psi. and uses
a floating diaphragm and a quick relief valve design to fire the cannon. For further
details go to my products page.
Randy's extra large air cannon. This is a floating
valve design. To email him at Randall_Fullman@mail.intel.com
This fellow spudder used a 50KV stungun for his ignition system. Stungun is taped to the
chamber and has 2 spark gaps. His design also uses detachable barrels for easy
transportation. dschoole@ucsd.edu
Yes, this is a spud gun. It is
guaranteed to make instant potato buds out of a potato. Picture sent by SHALAMUTA69@HOTMAIL.COM.
Nice little hand held, the handle is a stun gun (about
50k) which is attached to combustion chamber and used as the ignitor. Picture sent by SHALAMUTA69@HOTMAIL.COM.
Breach loaded spud gun, powered by propane/oxygen.
Picture sent by Ed Goldmann, http://www.goldmann.com/potato
A Nitrous Oxide spud cannon gun. Sent to me by Dave
Mason, roartor@ix.netcom.com
Copyright (c), 1997 www.spudgun.com
Last updated on, 04/16/09